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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Alamo Candy Co., San Antonio, TX, 210-734-8672, www.alamocandy.com
Southwestern Themed

Al Schutzmam Co., Waukesha, WI, 262-832-8200, www.alschutzman.com
Nuts, Trail Mixes, Dried Fruit, Chocolates, Candy, Popcorn, Gifts

American Foods, Methuen, MA, 978-682-1855, www.candybreak.com
Assorted Candy

Andros Foods, Mt. Jackson, VA, 844-426-3767, www.androsna.com
Juices, Preserves, Candy, Applesauce, Frozen Desserts

Ashers Chocolates, Souderton, PA, 215-721-3000, www.ashers.com
Chocolate Dipped, Sugar Free, Gifts

Aunt Sally's Praline Shops, New Orleans, LA, 504-944-6090, www.auntsallys.com
Nuts, Candy, Gifts

AYS America, Soddy-Daisy, TN, 423-332-6444, www.ays-america.com
Assorted Candy & Chocolates

Bee International, Chula Vista, CA, 800-421-6465, www.beeinc.com
Seasonal & Novelty Candy

Big Island Candies, Hilo, HI, 800-935-5510, www.bigislandcandies.com
Cookies, Brownies, Chocolates, Gifts

Brittle Brittle, Duncanville, TX, 800-695-4870, www.brittle-brittle.com
Peanut Brittle, Candy, Cookie Dough

Candy Basket, Portland, OR, 800-864-1924, www.candybasketinc.com
Chocolates, Peanut Brittle

Candy by YouBar, Los Angeles, CA, 323-513-7527, www.youbars.com
SQF Certified Contract Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, FDA Compliance and Label Creation, Wholesale Natural Snacks, Protein Powders, Functional Coffees, Nut Butters, Baking/Pancake Mixes, Mug Muffins, Bites, Balls, Nut Butter Filled Balls/Bars, Protein Bars, Private Label, Keto, Paleo, Low Net Carbs, Gluten Free, Organic, Kosher, Non GMO Project Verification, Vegan/Plant-Based, Low FODMAP
YouBar specializes in developing and manufacturing innovative snack foods so that their clients can bring their ideas to market fast. YouBar has extensive experience selling bars at every major retail store in the United States, including Whole Foods, Costco, GNC and Target. The YouBar's Full Service bar manufacturing operation offers everything (start to finish) that brands need from their bar manufacturing partner. This includes R&D, new product development, commercialization advice, production, packaging, FDA compliance, regulatory testing, and shipping. YouBar also has expertise in developing to meet all the hottest nutritional trends, including Keto, Paleo, All Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Kosher, Non GMO Project Verification, Low Net Carbs, Low Sugar, High Protein and Gluten Free.

Candy Favorites, McKeesport, PA, 888-525-7577, www.candyfavorites.com
Assorted Candy, Chocolates, Sugar Free

Dare Foods, Spartanburg, SC, 519-893-5500, www.darefoods.com
Crackers, Cookies, Candy

Dillon Candy Co., Boston, GA, 800-382-8338, www.dilloncandy.com
Nuts, Brittles, Candy, Gifts

Dixie USA Inc., Tomball Texas, 800-233-3668, www.dixiediner.com
Chocolates, Cookies

Eillien's, Green Bay, WI, 920-336-7549, www.eileenscandies.com
Assorted Candy, Nuts

Enstrom Candy Co., Grand Junction, CO, 970-683-1011, www.enstrom.com
Chocolates, Brittles, Sugar Free, Gifts

Fannie May Confections Brands Inc., North Canton, OH, 330-494-0833, x197, www.fanniemay.com
Chocolates, Seasonal

Gimbals Fine Candies, San Francisco, CA, 800-344-6225, www.gimbalscandy.com
Jelly Beans, Sour Balls

GKI Foods, Brighton, MI, 248-486-0055, www.gkifoods.com
Chocolates, Granola, Seasonal

Helms Candy Co., Bristol, VA, 276-669-2612, www.helmscandy.com
Assorted Candy

Karma Candy, Hamilton Ontario, ca, 905-527-6222, www.karma candy.ca
Seasonal, Hard Candy, Molded Chocolate, Bars, Enrobed Chocolates, Organic, Nut Free

Kimmie Candy, Reno, NV, 775-284-9200, www.kimmiecandy.com/
Sunbursts, Chocorocs, Chocoalmonds, Pretzel Bites, Hollywood Hotties
In 2000, Joe Dutra, a third generation farmer, established Kimmie Candy based on a farm in his hometown of Sacramento, California. By 2003, Kimmie Candy was on its way, with its ChocoRocks winning a prestigious "Product of the Year" award at the annual Candy Grammys held in Long Beach, California.
With the goal of creating more American jobs, in 2005 Dutra relocated himself and the previously-offshore Korean manufacturing operation to Reno, Nevada. By 2007, he had purchased an industrial building and converted it to what is now Kimmie Candy's state-of-the art candy production facility. By 2008, Kimmie Candy Company of Reno was in full operation. By 2009, the Company had experienced international expansion with not only coast-to-coast sales in the United States but also Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, South America, and the Middle East.
Today, Kimmie Candy proudly states, "Made in America" on every package. Since opening the Reno factory in 2007, the Company has grown from 7 to 30+ employees. Even during the challenging economic times, Kimmie Candy still grew and added jobs Dutra remains determined to continue creating jobs and opportunity in the USA so that like him, others can also know The American Dream.

Madelaine Chocolate Co., Rockaway Beach, NY, 718-945-1400, http://www.madelainechocolate.com/
Chocolate, Holiday Gifts

Mahani Enterprises LLC, Wharton, NJ, 973-607-1730, www.mahani.us
Hard Candy, Soft Candy, Novelty
Mahani Enterprises is a leader in New Jersey in the co-packing industry. With over 40 years of experience in the market, Mahani Enterprises is a top choice for consumers who need a competitively priced, on-time packaging solution. We service the food and industrial sectors and specialize in candy, gummies, snacks and different types of granular products. We offer displays, primary & secondary packaging, kitting and repacking of products for your convenience. Some of the styles of packing Mahani Enterprises offers is pillow-packaging and vertical stand-up pouches.

NP Food Service Sales, St. Charles, IL, 630-443-1770, www.npfss.com
Candy, Grains, Nuts, Fruits, Snacks

Nassau Candy, Hicksville, NY, 516-433-7100, www.nassaucandy.com
Assorted Candy

Palmer Candy Co., Sioux City, IA, 800-831-0828, www.palmercandy.com
Candy, Snacks

Quality Candy Co., Henderson, NV, 702-565-4711, www.qcandy.com
Assorted Peppermints, Sticks, Pops, Drops, Puffs

Redland Foods, Cheektowaga, NY, 716-288-9061, www.redlandfoods.com
Candy, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Organic, Snacks, Trail Mixes

Sanders Candy, Clinton Twp., MI, 800-651-7263, www.sanderscandy.com
Chocolates, Snacks, Bakery, Gifts

Sconza Candy, Oakdale, CA, 888-726-6921, www.sconzacandy.com
Assorted Candies, Seasonal

Sunrise Confections, El Paso, TX, 915-298-6900, www.sunriseconfections.com
Gummies, Hard Candies, Jelly Beans

Taylors Candy, Chicago, IL, 708-371-6144, www.taylorscandy.com
​Cotton Candy, Peanut Brittle, Popcorn, Caramels, gummies, jellies, hard candies, chocolates, peanut brittle, variety of nuts 

Terri Lynn Inc., Elgin, IL, 888-736-9568, www.terrilynn.com
Nuts, Dried Fruits, Chocolates, Snacks, Gifts

Vivio's Artisan Gluten -Free, Ferndale, MI, 586-604-9948, www.viviosartisangf.com
Bakery, Candy, Chocolate, Dairy Products, Desserts, Gifts, Grains, Healthy Living, Seasonings, Snacks, Kosher, Organic
We are a Kosher certified, Organic certified, and dedicated gluten-free co-packing/co-manufacturing facility. We excel at the manufacturing and/or packaging of: granola, cookies, spices, cereal and protein bars, GF bakery mixes, GF flour blends, dairy powders, candy, coffee, and more. Highlights of our equipment include: 425 QT mixer, 2-Vemag HP10C, Linear scale with VFFS, horizontal flow wrapper, multi head weigher with VFFS, metal detector, band sealer, and fully automated pouch filling machine.

Warrell Corp, Camp Hill, PA, 800-233-7082, www.warrellcorp.com
Assorted Candy, Nuts

Williams & Bennett, Boynton Beach, FL, 561-276-9007, www.williamsandbennett.com
Chocolate Dipped Items

Wolfgang Candy, York, PA, 800-248-4273, www.wolfgangco.com
Chocolate Coated Candy, Snacks