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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Corporate Gifts
Arcade Snacks, Auburn, MA, 508-832-6300, www.arcadesnacks.com
Chocolate Turtles, Party Tray

Bayley’s Lobster Pound, Scarborough, ME, 800-932-6456, www.bayleys.com
Lobster, Shrimp, Custom Seafood Gifts

Bridgewater Chocolate, Brookfield, CT, 203-775-2286, www.bridgewaterchocolate.com
Custom Chocolates

Cap Morrill's, Brewer, ME, 207-989-2277, www.capmorrils.com
Lobsters, Seafood

Carpe Diem Coffee Roasting, North Berwick, ME, 888-676-2233, www.carpediemcoffee.com 
Boxed Coffee

Carman Brook Maple Farm, Higate Springs, VT, www.cbmaplefarm.com
Maple Syrup Gifts

Chocolate Delicacy, East Greenwich, RI, 800-884-4949, www.chocolatedelicacy.com
Handmade Chocolates

Chocolatier, Exeter, NH, 888-246-5528, www.the-chocolatier.com 
Chocolate Logos, Chocolates

Dakin Farm, Ferrisburgh, VT, 800-993-2546, www.dakinfarm.com
Gift Samplers

Dean's Sweets, Portland, ME, 207-889-3664, www.deanssweets.com
Cookies with Logos

Gourmet Gift Baskets, Londonderry, NH, 888-208-3098, www.gourmetgiftbaskets.com
Elaborate Gift Baskets

Harbor Candy Shop, Ogunquit, ME, 800-331-5856,  www.harborcandy.com
Boxed Collections

Haven's Candies, Westbrook, ME, 800-639-6309, www.havenscandies.com
Chocolate Logos, Etc.

L.A. Burdick Chocolate, Walpole, NH, 800-229-2419, www.burdickchocolate.com
High End Corporate Gifts

Mahani Enterprises LLC, Wharton, NJ, 973-607-1730, www.mahani.us
Gift Baskets, Boxed Gifts, Corporate Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Unusual Gifts
Mahani Enterprises is a leader in New Jersey in the co-packing industry. With over 40 years of experience in the market, Mahani Enterprises is a top choice for consumers who need a competitively priced, on-time packaging solution. We service the food and industrial sectors and specialize in candy, gummies, snacks and different types of granular products. We offer displays, primary & secondary packaging, kitting and repacking of products for your convenience. Some of the styles of packing Mahani Enterprises offers is pillow-packaging and vertical stand-up pouches.

Morse Farm Sugarworks, Montpelier, VT, 800-242-2740, www.morsefarm.com
Custom Maple Gifts

New Hampshire Coffee Roasting Co., Dover, NH, 603-740-5067, www.nhcoffee.com
Boxed Coffee

Northwest Expressions, LLC, Shelton, WA, 800-969-8117, www.nwexpressions.com
Cookies, Confections, Popcorn
We are a small Washington State-based co-manufacturer that specializes in cookies and confections. We manufacture brittles, toffee, chocolates (including molded chocolate bars with or without inclusions), cookies, and gourmet popcorn. We have recently added a new walk-in double rack revolving oven, two automated cookie machines, and a large 160-quart mixer.This new equipment supplements our existing chocolate enrobing lines (with tempering pre-bottomer), three automatic chocolate tempering machines, chocolate center creme beater, cutting guillotine, and shell molding depositor. We specialize in assisting the small start-up that may have found that other co-manufacturer's required batch sizes are too large at this stage in their development. In addition to co-manufacturing, we also have the ability to co-package client-produced products using high-speed horizontal flow wrappers, and we have just added a new automated pouch/bag filler. These machines can quickly package many products, including coffee beans, panned candies, chocolate bars, dried fruits, cookies, 
and many other food items. 

Pemberton Farms, Cambridge, MA,800-551-7327, www.pembertonfarms.com 
Large Gift Baskets

Portland Fruit & Nut Co., Portland, ME, 207-767-3376, www.portlandfruitandnut.com
Gift Packs of Nuts

Sweenor's Chocolates, Wakefield, RI, 800-834-3123, www.sweenorschocolates.com
Chocolate Logos

Vermont Moonlight Cookies, Shaftsbury, VT, 802-375-9943, www.vermontmoonlightcookies.com

Van Otis Chocolates, Manchester, NH, 800-826-6847, www.vanotischocolates.com
Gourmet Chocolates