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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Abco Laboratories, Fairfield, CA, 800-678-2226, www.abcolabs.com
Herbs & Spices, Dry & Liquid Marinades, Soup Mixes, Pancake Mixes, Chili
Registered Organic Processed Product Processor/ManufacturerCalifornia State Department of Health Services
Certified Processor/Manufacturer of Organic Goods Quality Assurance International - QAI
Kosher Certification OU Kosher (Orthodox Union) Kosher - OU KosherHalal Certification
The Islamic Food and Nutrition Counsel of America

A.M.Braswell Jr. Food Co., Statesboro, GA, 912-764-6191, www.braswells.com
Dressings, Marinades, Condiments, Jams Jellies, Butters, Honey

Ashman Manufacturing Co., Virginia Beach, VA, 800-641-9924, www.ashmanco.com
BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, Dry Rubs, Marinades, Salsas, Samplers, Habanero Hash 

Avon Food Company, Stoughton, MA, 781-341-3341, www.avonfood.com
Salad Dressing, Pasta Sauce, Marinades, Bloody Mary Mix

Barhyte Specialty Foods, Pendleton, OR, 800-227-4983, www.barhyte.com
Mustards, Marinades, Dressings, Condiments, Gifts

Baumer Foods Inc., Metaire, LA, 504-482-5761, www.baumerfoods.com
Crystal Hot Sauces, Soy Sauce, Steak Sauce, Marinades, Liquid Smoke, Pralines
Brand name of sauces is Crystal Sauces

Best Brand Bottlers, Sarasota, FL, 941-755-1941, www.bestbrandbottlers.com
Hot Sauces, Pasta Sauces, Dressings, BBQ Sauces, Dips, Salsas, Marinades​

Blendex Co., Louisville, KY, 502-267-1003, www.blendex.com
Custom Dry Blends, Dry Rubs, Dry Marinades, Kosher, Halal, No GMO's, Multigrain Blends, Cereal Blends, 
Blended Flours, Cocoa Blends

Bon Foods Inc., Portland, OR, 310-455-9876, www.bonfoods.com
Vinegars, Gluten Free, Dry Blending, Sweeteners, Dips, Marinades, Dressings, Soup Mixes

CMS Fine Foods, Healdsburg, CA, 707-473-9651, www.cmsfinefoods.com
Pasta Sauces, Marinades, Steak and Barbeque Sauces and Mustards 

Carolina CoPacking, Henderson, NC, 252-433-0130, www.carolinacopacking.com
Bottling BBQ sauce & sauces of all types, marinades, jams, salsa, beverages, Spice Blends, Rubs, Wine, Sauces 
We fill glass and plastic bottles from 1.5 fl. oz. and up to large drum and bulk tote capacities. Production batch sizes starting at just 150 gallons up to thousands of gallons. Need a 1 gallon lab sample made by our food science department? No problem. Contact us with your needs. Your Co-Packer For Quality Co-Packing

Chesapeake Bay Snacks, Baltimore, MD, 410-675-6675, www.chesapeakebaysnacks.com
 Mixers, Chocolate, Ketchups & Vinegars, Dessert Sauces, Honey, Maple Syrup, Assorted Syrups, Flavored Oils, Olive Oil, BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Popcorn
Small to mid-size manufacturer focused on the liquids space -Two bottling lines handling 4 oz to 1 gallon -Capacity of 7200 bottles (8 oz equivalent) / day or 1000 popcorn bags a day ​​​

​Chubby's Sauces, Bernardston, MA, 413-478-2103, www.chubbysauce.com
Pasta Sauces, BBQ Sauces, Marinades, Seasonings

(Neera's) Cinnabar Specialty Foods, Prescott, AZ, 928-778-3687, www.cinnabarfoods.com
Sauces, Spices, Chutneys, Marinades, Pasta, Chutneys, Gifts

Croix Valley Foods, River Falls, WI, 612-756-4985, www.croixvalleyfoods.com
BBQ Sauces, Steak Sauce, Marinades, Seasonings

(The) Fresh Factory, Carol Stream, IL, 708-207-4677,www.thefreshfactory.co 
Teas, Juices, Dips, Mayos, Spreads, Baby Food, Marinades, Sauces, Salad Dressings, Ready to Eat Soups Gluten Free, Kosher, Organic, NonGMO
At the Fresh Factory, we've built a platform to accelerate the growth of clean-label and plant-based food and beverage brands. We are vertically integrated from the farm to the shelf and offer services above and beyond traditional manufacturing, becoming a trusted growth partner for leading brands. In short, we seek to be a partner,
​not a vendor.

Georgia Spice Co., Atlanta, GA, 800-453-9997, www.gaspiceco.com
Spices, Custom Blends, Marinades, Rubs, Dressings, Sauces

​Garden Complements Inc., Kansas City, MO, 800-966-1091, www.gardencomplements.com
Sauces, Maranades, Dressings, Dips, Condiments

Golden West Specialty Foods, Brisbane, CA, 800-584-4481www.gwfoods.com
Gluten Free, Asian, BBQ Sauces, Dresings, Marinades, Hot Sauces, Pasta Sauces, Salsas

​Heritage Specialty Foods, Dallas, TX, 503-252-1545, www.heritagespecialtyfoods.com
Soups, Sauces, Marinades​

Howard's Foods Copacking, Burnaby, BC, 604-922-3111, www.howardsfoodsco-packin.com
Sauces, BBQ Sauces, Marinades

National Food & Beverage, Dallas, TX, 214-905-9700, www.national-foods.com
Salsas, Sauces, Dressings, Dips, Oils, BBQ Sauces, Marinades, Ketchups, Relish, Mixers, Pasta Sauce

Neilly’s Food Development Corp., York, PA, 410-979-5542 – 717-428-6431, www.neillys.com
Custom Blends, Private Label, Dry Mixes (rice, pasta, grains, spices, baking mixes), Soups, Drink mixes, Baked goods, BBQ sauce, hot sauces, dressings, marinades, cooking sauces. Low MOQ’s Custom Formulations, Foodservice menu development
FDA approved Facility, Low MOQs, Quick turnaround. 
Contact Name: Albert Ndjee @ [email protected]

Panola Pepper, Lake Providence, LA, 318-559-1774, www.panolapepper.com
Hot Sauces​, Steak Sauces, Worcestershire Sauce, Marinades, Mustard, BBQ Sauce, Stuffed Olives, Meat Seasonings, Bloody Mary Mix, Popcorn Rice, Variety Packs

Pearlco, Canton, MA, 888-821-1010, www.saratogadressings.com
Dressings, Sauces, Spreads, Dips, Marinades

Peppers Unlimited of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA, 337-394-8035, www.peppersunlimitedofla.com
Cajun Sauces, Steak Sauces, BBQ Sauces, Marinades​

Private Label Foods, Rochester, NY, 585-254-9205, www.privatelabelfoods.com
BBQ Sauce, Pasta Sauce, Salsa, Hot Sauce, Marinades, Dressings

Pop's Pepper Patch, Louisville, KY, 502-503-6154, www.popspepperpatch.com
Pickles, Jellies, Chutneys, Condiments, Vegetables, Mixers

Pulp Kitchen Juice, Northfield, VT, https://pkjuice.com
Beverages, Coffees, Energy Drinks, Juices, Mixers, Condiments, Teas, Jams, Jellies & Preserves, Frozen Entrees, Organic., Sugar Free, Vegan/Plant-Based, RTE Meals, Honey & Syrups, BBQ Sauces, Cocktail Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Oriental, Pasta sauces, Pesto Sauces, Salad Dressings, Soups, Bisques, Chili, Chowder, Ready to Eat, Soup Mixes, Stews.
Pulp Kitchen Juice is a cold-pressed juice Company In addition to private label we can develop product formulas to your specifications We are able to assist in co-packing products as well, Private label beverages available range from: cold pressed juice, orange and apple juice blends, protein smoothies, plant-based proteins, plant based milks including Oat, almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, cold brew coffees, lemonades, iced teas, and vegetable dips and dressings We can handle HPP processed, hot fill or flash pasteurized. We are located in New England, and also have contract co-packer arrangements to produce closer New York City metro area and Connecticut to help cut cost for our own juice as well as co-packing clients. We have manufacturing partners located in the Northeast, West coast and the Midwest. Further services can provide:Food and beverage product development, for beverages including, cold pressed juices, plant based milks, Coffee, lemonade, Small batch co-packer / sampling; creation of General Manufacturing Procedures; Food Safety Counseling; USDA Organic Compliance Counseling; Distributor Support; Packing Design (Organic and Non-organic); Recipe Development and Cost Consulting; SQF-3 (level 3) certified specific clients. Contact Information: Patrick Simone -[email protected]​​​​

Radich Bor-do-lay Inc, Folsom, CA, 800-995-8349, www.bordolay.com
Marinades, Sauces

Stello Foods Inc., Punxsutawney, PA, 800-849-4599, www.stellofoods.com
Sauces, Sauces, Ketchups, Mustards, Relishes, Marinades

Stagecoach Sauces, Palatka, FL, 386-328-6330www.stagecoachsauces.com
BBQ Sauces, Steak Sauces, Hot Sauce, Cocktail Sauce, Ketchup,Marinades, Dressings, Syrups

Summer Garden Food Mfg., Boardman, OH, 330-965-8455, www.summergardenfood.com
Pasta Sauce, Meat Sauce, Seafood Sauce, Salsa, BBQ Sauces, Soups, Marinades

The Sauceology Group Inc., Clearwater, FL, 727-389-3774, www.thesauceologygroup.com
Acidified & Acid Food Products, Dry Spice Blending, BBQ Sauces, Condiments, Dry Mixes
Marinades, Pasta Sauces, Salad Dressings, Sauces, Seasonings

SVB Copacking, Martinsburg, WV, 304-267-8500, www.svbfoods.com
Dressings, Sauces, Dips, Marinades
 We specialize in manufacturing wet condiments such as dressings and sauces. The products we make are distributed by our customers and retailed at warehouse club stores, independent supermarkets, grocery chains, discount department stores, and convenience stores. We can develop recipes or scale an existing recipe to industrial size batching. We pack product in various containers: small retail pack, large retail pack, club multi-pack, gift pack, and food service. We can pack in various styles of both glass and plastic bottles
Our goal is to provide valuable solutions for our customers and to support the success of their respective brands. We look at process revisions to assure product safety and shelf stability. We can assist with formula changes for taste improvements or cost reductions. Please contact us if you would like to have a product consultation.

Ultimate Foods, New Haven, CT, 203-469-4014, www.ultimatefoods.net 
Sauces, Marinades, Pasta Sauces

United Foods International, Hayward, CA, 510-264-5850, www.ufiusa.com
Sauces, Soups, Marinades, Dry Powders, Asian Sauces

Van Law Food Products, Fullerton, CA, 714-870-9091, www.vanlaw.com
Sauces, Dressings, Marinades, Juices, Bar Mixes, Pasta Sauce, Pasta, Organic, Kosher

Victory's Kitchen, Toronto Ontario, 416-766-5848, www.victoryskitchen.com
Soups, Stews, Salsa, Sauces, Dips, Marinades, Chili, Fillings

Village Green Foods, Irvine, CA, 949-261-0111, www.villagegreenfoods.com
Soup, Sauce, Dressing, Filling, Marinades, Spreads

World Finer Foods, Bloomfield, NJ, 973-338-0300, www.worldfiner.com
Anchovies, Artichokes, Asian Sauces, Canned Vegetables, Malt Vinegar, Marinades, Ketchups, Mexican Sauces, Organic Pasta, Oysters, Pesto Sauces, Raviolis, Salad Dressings, Snacks, Specialty Vegetables, Steak Sauce, Granola, Thai Spices, Whole Grain Mustard, Whole wheat Pasta, Wine Vinegar, Gluten Free, Kosher, NoGMOs
Vegan, Chocolate Bars

Wolf Pack International, Gold Bar, WA, 360-793-2988, www.wolfpackint.com/services
Condiments, BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Pesto Sauces, Pasta Sauces, Chutneys, Salsa, Pickles, Soups, Syrups, Jams, Jellies, Spreads, Dips, Salad Dressings, Seasonings, Dry Mixes, Tea, Coffee, Juices, Cereals, Pulses and Grains
Wolf Pack International (WPI) provides you with an FDA and WSDA registered facility for food manufacturing, processing, and packaging. We comply with all state and federal regulations, including CGMP, Acidified Foods Regulations, and HACCP. WPI is a versatile facility that can accommodate a wide variety of food products from small batch production to large-scale manufacturing. We have established our niche in guiding and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs to make their dream food recipes a reality. With the help of our in-house food science experts, you can refine and scale your recipes and formulations so that they meet market expectations. Additionally, we provide guidance for label design and packaging.