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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Agrifoods, Mississauga, ON, 905-565-72-88, www.agrifoods.ca
​Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Ice Cream

Associated Milk Producers Inc., New Ulm, MN, 507-354-8295, www.ampi.com
Milk Powders, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk

Aurora Organic Dairy, Boulder CO, 720-564-6296, www.aurora organic.com
Organic Milk, Butter​
Boise Milk, Boise, ID, 208-562-8885, www.boisemilk.com
Milk, Eggs, Meats, Breads

California Dairies, Visalia, CA, 559-623-6977, www.californiadairies.com
Butter, Powdered Milk, Cheddar, Cream

California Natural Products, Lathrop, CA, 209-390-0318, www.cnp.com
Wine, Coffee, Soups, Milk, Organic

Clover Farm Dairy Co., Reading, PA, 800-323-0123, www.cloverfarms.com
Milk, Juices, Egg Nog, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Heavy Cream

Cloverland Dairy, Baltimore MD, 410-235-4477 ext 1269, www.cloverlanddairy.com
  Heavy Cream, Milk, Ice Cream Mix
For more than a century, Cloverland has been synonymous with wholesome, delicious milk and other quality products. We are proud to be a member of our community and support local businesses and organizations. We have been in the business of producing quality, delicious products for almost 100 years !, and we are proud to serve the entire Mid Atlantic region. 
  Private label available.  

Commonwealth Dairy, Brattleboro, VT, 802-251-2300, www.commonwealthdairy.com 
Organic Milk, Yogurt

Crescent Ridge, Sharon, MA, 781-784-2740, www.crescentridge.com
Glass Bottled Milk, Artisan Breads, Pies, Ice Creams, Juices, Honey, Eggs

Crystal Creamery, Modesto, CA, 888-300-5181, www.crystalcreamery.com
Milk, Ice Cream, Butter, Juices, Milk Powders

Cumberland Dairy, Rosenhayn, NJ, 856-451-8484, www.cumberlanddairy.com
Milk Products, Cream, Non-Dairy Creamer, Dessert Mixes, Egg Nog

Darigold, Seattle, WA, 206-284-7220, www.darigold.com
Milk, Butter, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Yogurt, Egg Nog, Buttermilk

Dairy Farmers of America, Kansas City, MO, 888-332-6455, www.dfamilk.com
Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Butter, Ice Cream, Juices​

Foremost Farms, USA, Baraboo, WI, 800-362-9196, www.foremostfarms.com
Milk, Cheeses, Butter

Gossner Foods, Logan, UT, 435-713-6104, www.gossner.com
Milk, Cheese

H.P. Hood, Winchester, MA, 800-343-6592, www.hood.com 
Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Ice Cream, Egg Nog

Instantwhip Foods, Columbus, OH, 800-544-9447, www.instantwhip.com
Whipped Toppings, Yogurt, Sour Cream, Milk, Ice Cream

Inter-American Products, Cincinnati, OH, 800-645-2233, www.interamericanproducts.com
Cheese, Milk, Ice Cream Water, Snacks, Breads, Coffee, Dressings, Seasonings

Jerrells Milk, Chicago, IL, Birmingham, AL, 205-515-0681, www.jerellsmilk.com 
6x10 count, 3.2 oz., 144 count, 150 count, 8oz., Bulk 

Lochmead Dairy, Junction City, OR, 541-998-2388, www.lochmead.com
Milk, Ice Cream, Juices

Lucerne Foods, Boise ID, 877-232-4721, www.lucernefoods.com
Milk, Water, Bread, Soda

​O-AT-KA Milk Products Coop., Inc, Batavia, NY, 800-828-8152, www.oatkamilk.com
RTD Coffee, RTD Tea, Nutritional Drinks, Protein Drinks, Milk Products, Butter,Bulk Ingredients, Specialty Products, Kosher

Plainview Milk Products, Plainview, MN, 800-356-5606, www.plainviewmilk.com
Milk Products, Organic, Kosher Milk and Other Fluid Dairy Products
Plainview Milk Products Cooperative has a fine tradition supplying it's customers with fresh, wholesome, top quality Grade A raw whole milk, condensed skim milk, cream, and other fluid products. Click on "Milk and Other Fluid Dairy Products" above for more information. Powder Products We offer a complete line of dairy powders, spray dried products, foam dried dairy products, and specialty dairy powders in addition to versatile, innovative custom drying. Click on "Powder Products" above for our complete product line and specifications.

Producer's Dairy Foods, Fresno, CA, 559-264-6583, www.producersdairy.com
Milk, Egg Nog, Buttermilk, Sour Cream, Juices, Iced Tea

Roth Cheesery, Fitchburg, WI, 608-845-5796, www.rothcheese.com
Hard Cheeses, Yogurt, Milk

SSI Superstore, Ind, Turlock CA, 209-668-2100, www.ssica.com/index.php.com 
Ice Cream, Yogurt, Milk, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Orange Juice

Santini Foods Inc., San Lorenzo, CA, 510-317-8888, www.santinifoods.com
Milk Products, Syrups, Sauces

Schneiders Dairy Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, 412-881-3525, www.schneidersdairypgh.com
Milk, Buttermilk, Sour Cream, Dips, Cottage Cheese, Yogurt, Juices, Ice Cream

Shamrock Farms, Phoenix, AZ, 800-388-3247, www.shamrockfarms.net
Milk Products, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Creams, Organic

Scott Brothers, Chino, CA, 800-DAIRY-4-U, www.scottbrothers.com
Ice Cream, Milk, Yogurt, Sour Cream, Juices

Smith Foods Inc., Orrville, OH, 800-776-7076, www.smithfoods.com
Milk, Soy Milk, Coconut Milk, Dairy Alternatives, Non Dairy Beverages, Organic, Kosher

Southeast Dairy Processors, Tampa, FL, 813-739-2111, www.southeastdairyprocessors.com
Ice Cream, Coffee Creamers, Heavy Cream, Non Dairy Creamers, Sorbets

Steuben Foods Inc., Elma, NY, 716-655-4000, www.steubenfoods.com
Milk, Yogurt, Energy Drinks, Sauces, Soups

Stremick's Heritage Foods, Santa Ana, CA, 714-775-5000, www.heritage-foods.com
Milk, Juices, Soy-based Drinks

Sugar Creek Foods Int'l., Russellville, AR, 800-445-2715, www.sugarcreekfoodsinc.com
Milk Products, Cream, Non-Dairy Creamers, Dessert Mixes

Upstate Niagara Coop, Buffalo, NY, 716-892-3156, www.upstatefarms.com
Milk Products, Yogurts, Dips, Condensed Milk, Coffee Drinks