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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
A.M.Braswell Jr. Food Co., Statesboro, GA, 912-764-6191, www.braswells.com
Preserves, Jams, Jellies, Fruit Butters, Dessert Toppings, Honey

Alabama Georgia Syrup Co., Alaga Syrup, by Whitfield Foods, https://www.alagasyrup.com/ ​
Several types of syrups​

Amelio C. Enterprises, Phoenix, AZ, (602) 956-4833, www.ameliocenterprises.com
Sauces, Salsas, Hot Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, Syrups, Mixers

Bascom Maple Farms, Alstead, NH, 603-835-6361, www.bascommaple.com
Maple Syrup, Gifts

Bay Valley Foods, Oak Brook, IL, 708-483-1300, www.bayvalleyfoods.com
Creamers, Fruit Spreads, Pickles, Relish, Dressings, Salsa, Sauces, Syrups 

Beth's Farm Kitchen, Stuyvesant, NY, 800-331-5267, www.bethsfarmkitchen.com
Assorted Syrups, Gifts, Jams, Preserves, Spreads, Chutneys, Condiments

Blackberry Patch Inc., Thomasville, GA, 229-558-9996, www.blackberrypatch.com
Assorted Syrups, Jams, Toppings

Bobbee's Bottling, Louisburg, NC, 919-496-4286, www.bobbeesbottling.com
Syrups, Sauces, Seasonings

California Natural Products, Lathrop, CA, 209-390-0321, www.baytechfolio.com
Syrups, Soy Milk, Soups, Chai Tea, Sauces, Kosher, Organic

Chesapeake Bay Snacks, Baltimore, MD, 410-675-6675, www.chesapeakebaysnacks.com
 Mixers, Chocolate, Ketchups & Vinegars, Dessert Sauces, Honey, Maple Syrup, Assorted Syrups, Flavored Oils, Olive Oil, BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Popcorn
Small to mid-size manufacturer focused on the liquids space -Two bottling lines handling 4 oz to 1 gallon -Capacity of 7200 bottles (8 oz equivalent) / day or 1000 popcorn bags a day ​​

Coastal Packaging, Newnan, GA, 678-854-2117, www.freshbru.com
Coffee, Tea, Organic, Fruit Juices, Syrups, Energy Drinks

Consolidated Mills, Houston, TX, 713-896-4196, www.consolidatedmills.com
Syrups, Seasonings, Salsas

Cornaby's, Salem, UT, 385-223-0027, www.cornabys.com
Jams, Honey, Syrups, Fruit Sauces, Gifts

Create-a Pack Foods Inc., Ixonia, WI, 262-567-6069, www.create-a-pack.com
Sauces, Dressings, Juices, Syrups, Toppings

Dominion Liquid Technologies, Cincinnati, OH, 513-272-2824, www.dltdelivers.com
Syrups, Mixers, Energy Drinks

Dundee Fruit Co., Dundee, OR, 503-537-2500, www.dundeefruit.com
Juice, Tea, Salsa, Pickled Products (handpack), Pasteurization (Cider, Beers), Syrups, Chutneys

E. Waldo Ward & Son Inc., Sierra Madre, CA, 626-355-1218, www.waldoward.com
Syrups, Jams, Marmalades, Condiments, Fruit Butters, Spreads

European Roasterie, Le Center, MN, 888-588-5282, www.euroroast.com
Coffee, Cocoa, Tea, Syrups

Foxtail Foods, Fairfield, OH, 800-487-2253, www.foxtailfoods.com
Pies, Brownies, Dry Mixes, Muffin Batter, Kosher, No Sugar Added, Pancake Mix, Syrups

Gourmet Gardens, Jacksonville, TX, 800-755-2434, www.gourmetgardens.com
Pickles, Vegetables, Relishes, Salsas, Sauces, Dips, Fruit Butters, Preserves, Ketchups, Salad Dressings, Sauces, Seasonings, Syrups 

Great Northern Maple Products, Saint Honore de Shenley, Québec,Canada,418-485-7777,www.greatnorthernaple.com
Maple Syrup, Flavored Syrup

Griffin Foods, Muskogee, OK, 800-866-6311, www.griffinfoods.com
Syrups, Jellies, Preserves

H & H Products Co., Orlando, FL, 407-229-5410, www.hhproductscompany.com
Beverage Concentrates, Lemonade, Sweet Tea, Slush Mix, Daiquiri Mix, Pancake Syrups

Hartley's Brand, Orlando, FL, 800-678-8448, www.hartleysbrand.com
Syrups, Mixers, Juices

Heritage Food Co., Hephzibah, GA, 706-437-0000, www.heritagefoodcompany.com
Jams, Salsas, Pickles, Relishes, Honey, Dressings, BBQ Sauces, Syrups 

Highland Sugarworks, Websterville, VT, 802-479-1747, www.highlandsugarworks.com
Organic, Kosher, Maple Syrup, Gifts

Landmark Foods,Littleton, CO, 303-948-5070, www.landmarkfoods.net​
Syrups, Sauces, Oils, Cereal, Bar Mixers, Fruit Juices

New Hope Mills, Auburn, NY, 315-252-2676, www.newhopemills.com
Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Dry Mixes, Organic, Gluten Free, Syrup, Jams, Jellies, Dips, Dressings, Flour, Grains,
 Gifts, BBQ Sauces, Crackers

One on One Flavors Inc, Corona, CA, 800-971-3015, www.oooflavors.com
Assortment of Sweeteners & Flavor Enhancers, Automated production lines: label, shrink, & bottles your products. 

Oregon Hill Farms, Saint Helens, OR, 503-397-2791, www.oregonhill.com
Assorted Syrups, Mixers, Preserves, Butters

Panola Pepper Corp., Lake Providence, LA, 800-256-3013, www.panolapepper.com
BBQ Sauces, Marinades, Hot Sauces, Rice, Nuts, Mixers

Siena Development Co., Lindenhurst, NY, 347-828-2324, https://sienadev.com/beverage-bottling/

St. Cousair, Newberg, OR, 503-538-2929, www.stcousair-oregon.com 
St. Cousair is capable of packing in glass jars and plastic containers. Our people and facility have the experience, expertise and equipment to manufacture a diverse line of products:fruit preserves and jams,low sugar fruit preserves, fruit butters, fruit syrup, and, toppings, yogurt fruit base,smoothie fruit base fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks salad dressings, mustards
BBQ sauces, canned fruit salsa, coffee syrups

Stagecoach Sauces, Palatka, FL, 386-328-6330, www.stagecoachsauces.com
BBQ Sauces, Steak Sauces, Hot Sauce, Cocktail Sauce, Ketchup,Marinades, Dressings, Syrups

Subco Foods, West Chicago, IL, 630-231-0003,www.subcofoods.com
Subco Foods Inc. is uniquely suited to produce any dry and liquid food products, such as Hot Cocoa, Cappuccino Mixes, Drink Mixes, Coffee Creamers, Flavored Syrup, Coffee Syrup, Pancake Syrups, Bloody Mary Mixes, Sauces, and various types of Herbs in pouches, jars and composite cans, etc. Blending Pouching Cartoning Bottle Filling Jar Filling
AIB Supervised Kosher Approved Can Filling Bulk Filling Private Label Net Weight Scale Overwrapping
Secondary Packaging

Wolf Pack International, Gold Bar, WA, 360-793-2988, www.wolfpackint.com/services
Condiments, BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Pesto Sauces, Pasta Sauces, Chutneys, Salsa, Pickles, Soups, Syrups, Jams, Jellies, Spreads, Dips, Salad Dressings, Seasonings, Dry Mixes, Tea, Coffee, Juices, Cereals, Pulses and Grains
Wolf Pack International (WPI) provides you with an FDA and WSDA registered facility for food manufacturing, processing, and packaging. We comply with all state and federal regulations, including CGMP, Acidified Foods Regulations, and HACCP. WPI is a versatile facility that can accommodate a wide variety of food products from small batch production to large-scale manufacturing. We have established our niche in guiding and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs to make their dream food recipes a reality. With the help of our in-house food science experts, you can refine and scale your recipes and formulations so that they meet market expectations. Additionally, we provide guidance for label design and packaging.

Trailblazer Foods, Portland, OR, 503-666-5800, www.tbfoods.com
Syrups, Jellies, Preserves

​West Coast Co-Packer, Gervais, OR, 503-390-1425, www.westcoastcopacker.com
Strawberry Lemonades, or, CBD drinks, from salsas and Pasta Sauces, to Teas, Honey products, to Cocktail & Bloody Mary mixes, to Syrups, Condiments