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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Unusual Gifts: Unique Gifts for All Occasions
Atkins Farms, South Amherst, MA, 800-594-9537, www.atkinsfarms.com

Aunt Sally's Praline Shops, New Orleans, LA, 504-944-6090, www.auntsallys.com  

Butternut Mountain Farm, Morrisville, VT, 800-828-2376, www.butternutmountainfarm.com

Cape Cod Winery, E. Falmouth, MA, 508-457-5592, www.capecodwinery.com

Champlain Valley Apiaries, Middlebury, VT, 802-388-7724, www.champlainvalleyhoney.com

Chatila's Sugar-Feee Bakery, Salem, NH, 877-619-5398, www.sugarfreebakery.net

Dakin Farm, Ferrisburgh, VT, 800-993-2546, www.dakinfarm.com

Dean's Beans Organic Coffee, Orange, MA, 978-544-2002, www.deansbeans.com

Divine Treasures, Manchester, CT, 860-643-2552, www.divinetreasureschocolates.com

Eden Ice Cider Co., West Charleston, VT, 802-895-2838, www.edenicecider.com

Fastachi, Watertown, MA, 617-924-8787, www.fastachi.com

Glee Gum, Providence, RI, 401-351-6415, www.gleegum.com 

Graffam Bros., Rockport, ME, 207-236-3396, www.lobstertogo.com

Grafton Village Cheese Co., Grafton, VT, 802-843-2221, www.graftonvillagecheese.com

Green Mountain Coffee, Waterbury, VT, 888-438-4627, www.greenmountaincoffee.com

Green Mountain Sugar House, Ludlow, VT, 800-643-9338, www.gmsh.com

Green Tree Coffee & Tea, Lincolnville, ME, 877-338-0040, www.greentreecoffee.com

Grindstone Neck of Maine, Winter Harbour, ME, 888-831-8734, www.grindstoneneck.com

Hancock Gourmet Lobster, Cundy's Harbour,ME,800-552-0142, www.hancockgourmetlobster.com

Harvest Thyme Herbs, Dublin, NH, 603-563-7032, www.harvestthyme.com
Himala Salt, Great Barrington, MA, 413-528-5141, www.himalasalt.com

Hauser Chocolatier, Westerly, RI, 401-596-8866, www.hauserchocolates.com

Honey Gardens Apiaries, Ferrisburg, VT, 802-877-6766, www.honeygardens.com

L.A. Burdick Chocolate, Walpole, NH, 800-229-2419, www.burdickchocolate.com

Labelle Winery, Amherst, NH, 603-828-2923, www.labellewinerynh.com

Love Maine Lobsters.com, Portland, ME, 207-772-6121, www.lovemainelobster.com

LobsterAnywhere.com, Salem, NH, 888-856-2463, www.lobsteranywhere.com

Lucky Catch Lobster, Portland, ME, 888-624-6321, www.luckycatchlobster.com

Mahani Enterprises LLC, Wharton, NJ, 973-607-1730, www.mahani.us
Gift Baskets, Boxed Gifts, Corporate Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Unusual Gifts
Mahani Enterprises is a leader in New Jersey in the co-packing industry. With over 40 years of experience in the market, Mahani Enterprises is a top choice for consumers who need a competitively priced, on-time packaging solution. We service the food and industrial sectors and specialize in candy, gummies, snacks and different types of granular products. We offer displays, primary & secondary packaging, kitting and repacking of products for your convenience. Some of the styles of packing Mahani Enterprises offers is pillow-packaging and vertical stand-up pouches.

Maine Lobster Direct, Portland, ME, 800-566-2783, www.mainelobsterdirect.com

Maine Seasalt Co., Marshfield, ME, 207-255-3310, www.maineseasalt.com

Maine Seaweed Co., Steuben, ME, 207-546-2875, www.theseaweedman.com  

Maple Grove Farms, St. Johnsbury, VT, 800-525-2540, www.maplegrovestore.com

Maplebrook Farm, Bennington, VT, 802-440-9950, www.mountainmozzarella.com

Maria's Gourmet Pasta, Malden, MA, 877-747-2782, www.mariasgourmetpasta.com

Munson's Chocolates, Bolton, CT, 888-686-7667, www.munsonschocolates.com

New Harvest Coffee Roasters, Pawtucket, RI, 888-438-1999, www.newharvestcoffee.com 

Nodines Smokehouse, Torrington, CT, 860-489-3213, www.nodinessmokehouse.com

Norpaco Gourmet Foods, New Britian, CT, 860-223-4600, www.norpaco.com

North Country Smokehouse, Claremont, NH, 800-258-4304 , http://ncsmokehouse.com

Oyster Creek Mushrooms, Damariscotta, ME, 207-563-1076, www.oystercreekmushroom.com

Palmer Lane Maple, Jefferson, VT, 802-644-8334, www.palmerlanemaple.com

Pieces of Vermont, Jacksonville, VT, 800-507-7721, www.piecesofvermont.com

Pineland Farms, New Gloucester, ME, 207-688-4539, www.pinelandfarms.org

Philip R's Frozen Desserts, Winchester, MA, www.icecream-desserts.com

Port Lobster Co., Kennebunkport, ME, 800-486-7029, www.portlobster.com

Raye's Mustard, Eastport, ME, 800-853-1903, www.rayesmustard.com 

R.C. Bigelow Inc., Fairfield, CT, 888-244-3569, www.bigelowtea.com

Ricker Hill Orchards, Turner, ME, 207-225-5552, www.rickerhill.com

Safe Harbour Confections, Waldoboro, ME, 207-832-6026, www.safeharborconfections.com

Smith Maple Crest Farm, Shrewsbury, VT, 802-492-2151, www.smithmaplecrestfarm.com

Springfield Smoked Fish, Springfield, MA, 413-737-8693, www.springfieldsmokedfish.com

Sproutman & Company, Great Barrington, MA, 413-528-5200, www.sproutman.com

Stannard Farm, Benson, VT, 802-537-3711, vermontnaturalbeef.com

Stonington Sea Products, Stonington, ME, 888-402-2729, www.stoningtonseafood.com

Strawberry Hill Confectionary, Everett, MA, 617-319-3557, www.strawberryhill.foodoro.com

Sullivan Harbor Farm, Hancock, ME, 207-422-2209, www.sullivanharborfarm.com

Superior Nut Co., Cambridge, MA, 800-295-4093, www.superiornutstore.com

Taylor Farm, Londonderry, VT, 802-824-5690, www.taylorfarmvermont.com

Tea Guys, Hatfield, MA, 800-282-2859, www.teaguys.com

Three Acre Kitchen, Hopkinton, NH, 603-223-5985, www.threeacrekitchen.com

Turkish Kitchen, Ashfield, MA, 413-628-4043, www.turkishkitchen.biz

Vermont Sweetwater Bottling Co., Poultney, VT, 802-287-9897, www.vtsweetwater.com

Wicked Joe, Brunswick, ME, 207-725-1033, www.wickedjoe.com

Wood Prairie Farm, Bridgewater, ME, 800-829-9765, www.woodprairie.com