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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory

Adirondack Beverages, Scotia, NY, 800-316-6096, www.adirondackbeverages.com
Spring Water, Flavored Spring Water, Diet Spring Water

Alamance Foods, Burlington, NC, 800-476-9111, www.alamancefoods.com
Triton Water, Aerosol Whipped Cream, Fun Pops

Azure Water, Leesburg, FL, 352-728-5646, www.azurewater.com
Bottled Water

Clinton's Ditch, Cicero, NY, 315-699-2695, www.clintonsditch.com
Waters, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks

Creekside Springs, LLC, Ambridge, PA, 724-266-9000, www.creeksidesprings.com
Bottled Water, Purified, Spring, Distilled, Enhanced and Flavored

(The) Drink Ink, Las Vegas, NV, 888-454-3466, www.thedrinkink.com
Sodas, Energy Shots, Water, Sports Drinks, Teas

Fresh Water Norway AS, Ruselokkeveien 6, 0251 Oslo Norway, +4790942607, www.freshwaternorway.com
Still water and flavoured water in eco-friendly 0,33, 0,5 and 1,5 liter Tetra Pak cartons
Pure Norwegian water in sustainable tetra pak water cartons Award winning source Full flexibilty on design A sustainable way to promote your business Easy logistics to US ports FDA approved.
Contact : Sverre Christian Hammer, email:  [email protected]

Inter-American Products, Cincinnati, OH, 800-645-2233, www.interamericanproducts.com
Spring Water, Distilled Water

Lagersmith, Fremont, OH, 651-983-5805, www.lagersmith.com
Beer, Cider, Coffees, Energy Drinks, Juices, Liquors,​Mixers, Sodas, Teas, Waters, Wines , Kombucha
We have a network of aluminum can copacking partners throughout the country. We match beverage brands with the best copacker to suit their needs based on location, beverage category, and capabilities. Contact [email protected] to get started.​

Lasonde, Pappas & Co., Carney's Point, NJ, 800-257-7019, www.clementpappas.com
Fruit & Vegetable Juice Blends, Enhanced Waters, 100% Juices, Organics, Teas, Kosher

Lucerne Foods, Boise ID, 877-232-4721, www.lucernefoods.com
Milk, Water, Bread, Soda

Mayer Brothers, Barker, NY, 716-668-1787, www.mayerbrothers.com
Juices, Waters,Teas

Nor-Cal Beverage Co., West Sacramento, CA, 800-331-2059, www.ncbev.com
Teas, Ades, Juices, Waters, Energy Drinks
Hot-fill, cold/ambient fill, chilled and aseptic lines for cans, glass & plastic bottles

Plains Dairy, Amarillo, TX, 806-374-0385, www.plainsdairy.com
Milk, Bottled Water, Juices, Tea, Lemonade, Punch, Cottage Cheese, Dips

Private Spring Water, San Martin, CA, 408-681-1500, www.privatespringwater.com
Spring Water

Riviera Beverages, Garden Grove, CA, 714-895-5169, www.rivierabeverages.com
Southeast Bottling & Beverage, Dade City, FL, 352-567-2200, www.southeast-bottling.com
Waters, Juices, Teas, Energy Drinks

Summit Beverage Group, Marian, VA, 276-781-0671, www.summitbeveragegroup.com
Bottled Waters, Kosher, Organic, Hot & Cold Fill

(The) Big Beverage Company, Mooresville, NC, 855-800-9013, www.bigbeverages.com
Water, Juices, Organic, Tea, Soda, Wine Beer

Waterboy Inc., Bradenton, FL, 800-799-5684, www.waterboyinc.com
Water, Coffee Products